A Couple Of Alternative Event 10046 Resource Profilers

A couple of alternative event 10046 resource profilers you might want to take a look at.

AppsDBA Resource Profiler : "The AppsDBA resource profiler is a perl based event 10046 interval resource profiler. The resource profiler will parse an Oracle event 10046 level 8 or higher trace file and create an interval resource profile for each session found in the trace file. It will also produce tkprof-like statement totals sections for all recursive and non-recursive statements. This can help in comparisons of accuracy between tkprof and the resource profiler output. In general, you will find that the resource profiler is more accurate than tkprof. The resource profiler supports all versions of Oracle trace files from Oracle7 on.

Output can be generated in either text format or W3C HTML 4.01 compatible output.

Last Updated:  03/31/2004

Utility Source: resource.zip

Example Output: Resource Profile Text Output  Resource Profile HTML Output  "

SimpleProfiler by Niall Litchfield (requires HTML DB): "This utility is available free of charge (but under this Creative Commons License).

-->. It enables you to build a response time profile from an Extended Trace file
generated for a single Oracle session. The resulting profile will look something


Given properly scoped trace information this utility can be used to quickly troubleshoot poorly performing applications. The application is designed around the YAPP method originally proposed by Anjo Kolk, but popularized by Cary Millsap and Jeff Holt of Hotsos. There are a number of restrictions in this utility, and if these prevent you correctly troubleshooting your applications, hotsos sell a full featured profiler which will overcome these. At the time of writing I believe this to be the only commercial, supported profiler for Oracle based applications.  

The utility is based on the TraceAnalyzer utility available from Metalink and I strongly encourage you to read Metalink Note 224270.1 which contains details of this utility. I'd like to thank Carlos Sierra of Oracle for his kind permission to publish a free utility based on his work. Any errors or inaccuracies should of course be directed at me.

Any utility presents data in a format which the author considers to be useful. Whilst I have endeavoured to provide what I consider useful diagnostic output the raw trace data is stored within the SimpleProfiler repository (in tables prefixed SPRF$) so you can report on the data as you see fit."