How is OBIEE running for you?

We all need a checkup every now and then, a visit to the doctor, taking your car to the mechanic, virus checking your computer. OBIEE is no exception.

The daily loading of data, report development/re-development, modfications and changes all can have an impact on your environment. A bit like someone who doesn’t know when to stop going to the all you can eat buffet.

If your users are saying “This is taking almost twice a long as it did before” or “The report we created is not returning the right results” maybe it’s time for healthcheck.

Rittman Mead has for years been offering OBIEE health checks to customers looking to identify issues, improve performance or ensure best practices are being utilized.

Depending on the size of your OBIEE rollout, a 5-10 day health check can be performed along with a detailed report, (written in plain english), so you have a complete overview of the health of your OBIEE implementation.