Rittman Mead at UKOUG TechFest 19

Like every year, December for the Oracle community means UKOUG! This time is special since the event, named TechFest19, will be hosted at The Grand Brighton Hotel, near our base office!

Let's talk about the important stuff first: we are organising a Techfest party featuring "The Chaps" on Monday 2nd Dec between 7PM and 10:30PM in our office at Platf9rm, Hove Town Hall. We'll be having few drinks and while enjoying the live music, if you are interested register yourself here!

Now on the main topic, the Techfest! Rittman Mead will be well represented this time with four talks:

Data the Missing Ingredient

Monday 2nd at 14:15, Location: Stage 4

Jon Mead, our CEO, will introduce you to the concepts of Data Management, Engineering and Governance, how they should be addressed across a wide range of projects and which Oracle tools are there to help you.

Become an Equilibrista: Find the Right Balance in the Analytics Tech Ecosystem

Tuesday 3rd at 11:00, Location: Stage 2

Do you want to understand how to avoid the "Excel Chaos" in your organization? Let me show you how you can balance Centralized and Self-service analytics, taking the best of both worlds but still using a unique tool: Oracle Analytics Cloud!

Is it Corked? Wine Machine Learning Predictions with OAC

Tuesday 3rd at 15:45, Location: Stage 2

Do you love Wine? And maybe you don't dislike Analytics? Then join me in understanding how Oracle Analytics Cloud can be used for data-science! We'll be analysing a Wine dataset and using OAC to create a predictive model scoring wine quality! If you are a business analyst looking to start your path into Machine Learning, this session is a kickstarter!

Picking a Good Wine for <$20 Using Oracle Autonomous, Machine Learning and Analytics Cloud

Monday 2nd at 09:00, Location: Stage 2

Using the same dataset as the talk above, Charlie Berger, Sr. Director of Product Management, will show you how to build a predictive model by performing Machine Learning directly within the Oracle Autonomous Datawarehouse, all accessed by a notebook interface. I'll then show you how we can integrate such model within OAC and show the main drivers as well as the model outcomes!

During the event, few of the Rittman Mead folks will be around. If you see us in sessions, around the conference or during our talks, we'd be pleased to speak with you about your projects and answer any questions you might have.