EVENT: ODTUG Kscope June 25-29 Aurora, CO.

We are delighted to announce our principal consultant, Federico Venturin will be speaking at ODTUG Kscope, a global conference of the Oracle Development Tools User Group. Kscope is the premier worldwide educational conference for Oracle technology users, attracting Oracle experts from around the globe from June 25-29 to Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center, Aurora, CO.

With over 250 technical sessions ODTUG Kscope offers a dynamic experience and a unique learning environment for attendees. Providing hands-on training, all-day symposiums, and networking with Oracle experts.

Register now to join Federico on June 26th at 01:30 PM in Valley 3 room as he shares the requirements of a successful brand reputation analysis, detailing the techniques for gathering, enriching, modelling and visualising the data, followed up with a live demo.


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An independent, not-for-profit, global organisation dedicated to keeping you on the cutting edge of the constantly changing Oracle technology landscape.