WEBINAR Oracle APEX: A Swiss Army Knife Story for Your Analytics

Date & Time: May 4, 2023 - 5pm (GMT)

Presented by Rittman Mead's Lucas Hirschegger & Simon Collins this webinar will be hosted for the Analytics and Data Oracle User Community, focusing on Oracle APEX and its capabilities in data management.

Data management is an essential component of any successful reporting and analysis effort, as it involves the proper organisation, storage, and processing of large volumes of data. Efficient data management is critical because it helps ensure the accuracy, reliability, and consistency of the information being analysed.

Oracle APEX is a low-code web application development platform that simplifies the process of creating scalable and secure web applications. It provides a robust set of tools and features, including drag-and-drop components and declarative SQL support, to help users develop and deploy database-centric applications quickly and efficiently.

Watch on Demand: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mC1wzCfsSCGG-lvjRUwBuA#/registration

Find out more about the Analytics and Data TechCast Series run by Data Oracle User Community.

Find out more about our APEX services